Adam came in at 9:00 and almost finished the checkerboard on the passenger side; Nate finished it up later in the morning. Kaitlin, Pasqualle, and Laurel were part of the session, as they usually are, and could have used more help with some of the tasks, but they seemed to have accomplished a lot. The weather was friendly to us today and we were able to pull out into the parking lot for some sun and much appreciated light. It was good to not be in the dark after working in a dimmed environment for the last few weeks. We're all seeing the end of this phase for the IUSARTCAR, looking ahead to the on-campus unveiling on the 11th, but there's a lot of details to address. The interior trim needs to be resolved and there's a pint of black 'interior' paint for that purpose; the carpet needs to be cut and installed; another coat of 'poly' on the back door would be good; installing the eyeball and the legs/arms; getting the taillights re-installed; most of the interior and exterior needs to be clear coated .....etc....etc.... details....details....details.
I have been thinking about the eyeball/legs still life. It will take at least two days inside a warm garage for this to happen -- because we will be using liquid nail and foam to complete the installation. As we have discovered, liquid nail will only work in temps above 60 or 70 degrees. I'm really fine if we skip the luggage rack -- but we need to realize that if we do that -- the van might not be driven on an Interstate. Still, it would be prettier without it. Something to think about. In any case if the unveiling is on the 11th, then the warm garage will need to happen no later than Monday, December 8th. If we also factor in finals and grading and all that sort of thing -- the best time would be next weekend, Dec 5 -7. I will be out of commission after the 8th, because I need to finish up the semester by the 11th. I can help -- but only this coming week and weekend.
My vote for the hubcaps is go with the gold. It's nice to see part of the upper portion taken into the bottom. As far as the mannequin still life... i can help anytime on the 6th or 7th.
Actually, I though the gold caps looked good, not the same edginess, but good nonetheless. Anybody else have thoughts about that?
Only problem with finding a warmer space is that with the legs on top, we wouldn't be able to get out of a heated garage, although I'm open to suggestions. I was also thinking about how to get it mounted and thought that if we drilled small holes through which we could wire the pieces to the top, they could be reinforced with liquid Nails and foam and then we would necessarily need a warmer environment for it to cure. I'll check the weather forecast and see if there's a time, a bit warmer, when maybe we could pull out into the sun for the final mounting. That might help.
I like the gold hubcaps as well.
I like the gold hubcaps too.
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