Debra has been working on an "eye" for the top front of the roof. This is it in-progress, complete with solar light illuminating the way. Pretty cool.
I also got an image today on my cell phone from Laurel, Rebecca, and Julie, but I don't know how to download from my phone to include with this post, so you'll have to take my word (as I do theirs) that they were getting into some of the various processes on the van. Laurel has been working on the stained glass window and Rebecca and Julie on the interior. I'll run by tomorrow to see their progress.
I also found this wall plaque at the Paradise Rose Flea Market in Fairdale, thought it might be good for something so I bought it.
It's gonna be a little warmer in a few days. Can we have a real work party?
That wall plaque is MAGICAL and I love it...I just don't know where we can use it yet!
I'm having a terrible time winning an auction for typewriter keys...they seem to go for $30+. If we don't find one in a shop, we might have to think of something else.
Also, I'd really like some help installing the GPS and the cabinet in the dash...I could do it myself, but I think I would feel a lot more comfortable if somebody else had some input (or did it instead), since I've never cut into a dashboard before and don't want to mess up.
I'll be there Saturday around 11 for a few hours. I have some glueing to do. Brian did you say you got some more adhesives?
Is there anything that can be done about lighting and heat? Sam and Sarah and I had to stop because we couldn't really see what we were painting inside, and it was too cold to spraypaint =( Bleh! What gross weather today.
Hey, Scott, are you out there? Any suggestions about lights, how to turn the ones that are out back on? And I've been told that the electrical outlet on the post next to the van doesn't work, is there an electrical source near by?
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