After the past few work sessions when we were shivering in the dark, todays mid-30s was our biggest chill so far. Paints were kind of gelatinous, adhesives were not sticky, tape was useless, and Liquid Nails never became nails. Some progress was made though on the interior, the back door panel, and the stained glass window. Those who worked on the interior enjoyed the benefits of the car heater and the lamps, those working on the exterior made frequent trips to the coffee shop. The GPS was fixed and the spray foam has been cleaned off the dash. The mannequins are disassembled and we'll need to rethink how that's going to work. Apparently, Jamie found a luggage rack, and with that and some screws and more spray foam, we'll get it to work. There needs to be a little more forward progress on that checker board.
There are some warmer days on the way and by the end of the week we should be in a slightly better place, but it's advisable to dress warmly. Also, anyone who goes over to work and uses the heaters, be sure to re-plug the extension cord that runs over to the other garage after you're finished. It's needed when we're not there for the other space.
The car's looking great, folks!
Tim, in Texas
anyone need/want a bunch of keys for their section of the car? Pasquelle?
Thanks, Tim, we very much appreciate the encouragement. I took a look at your car, shared it with others, and we're all pretty amazed. Beautiful work.
Keys, yeah!!
Tomorrow, I'm getting those typewriter keys off...somehow!
Are we having another work party on saturday? I'll be there! Don't leave me there alone in the spooky garage, come down and help out, yo!
They typewriter still has its keys. I stopped by and picked up the mannequin parts and the airship to get them ready for mounting. I figured that the liquid nails would more likely turn to nails in a warmer environment. Don't worry Pasqualle, you'll have company. Debra may even come by the lend a hand.
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