There was a small group today, but the usuals. Adam was there when I arrived, he was working on the checkerboard, but he must have been about ready to go and so he did. I continued to work about 30 minutes when Kaitlin came in looking for something to do as it was too cold to seal the back door, so she started to deal with some of the trim detailing. Debra came by and ended up doing the interior back door by extending some of the side panel work and getting it jeweled. Kate worked on her beautiful tree section. Pasqualle worked in the cockpit with her new toys, the typewriter keys. Laurel finished up the back window and will grout and seal the new stuff this week. I sort of roamed around the car shivering, scraping tape off surfaces, working on the checkerboard, detailing, and shivering.
It's imperative that we get the interior finished so that the carpet can get laid....hmmmm. I've got the mannequins at my house, along with the airship and the tail lights to get them finished before remounting. What's happening with those bumpers???????? When can we remount them? It's time to rejoin the group! Mannequin folks need to find another duty since it wasn't happening. Maybe you can add on to the carpet group?
Thanks to everyone who came in today, it was productive.
I'll be there later today. I'm gona finish the checkers!!!!!! Sorry I had to go early yesterday. I was there a little over an hour, but had to go to one of four thanksgivings... too much turkey!
"Rob working on a print glad he's not in a cold garage."
Funny you should say that.. I actually went home & worked on my car in a frozen shell of a garage. It's insulated but lacking heat :(.
This is for those of you who will be at Mellwood Monday. I left a note with the van - I ran out of paint and the right size tape for the checkers. Please don't remove the tape or open the driver side door until it gets finished. I'll be out there tomorrow night to do that.
There's more tape inside the van, I picked up a couple of extra rolls of it on Saturday.
Rob, c'mon over, we have space heaters.
Sunday night: Adam and Julie were working and the airship is now bolted to the hood.
I finished the checkers on the driver side tonight (monday). I think it looks pretty good but some spots may need touching up later.
i'm going to stop by this afternoon after i take my makeup test. planning on drilling holes in the roof to mount the rack.
Skip the Rack, Jamie, we're looking for another alternative.
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