The exterior in now a 'primed canvas' and ready for painting, adhering, stenciling, whatever you want to do. Keep in mind that the surface is oil-based, so if you're painting, used an oil-based paint. If you're adhering, sand the area to receive the glue. If you're drawing, the surface should work really well since it's a flat white.
The interior is about ready, although it would be good to get the painting/priming completed, and that carpet out in as close to one piece as possible to use as a template for the new stuff. The seats have been measured and I have donated canvas for the new coverings. Pascalle and Samantha are working on that. Brent and Laurel will be working on the stained glass, Ben on the faces. What are you doing?
You all need to decide what's happening to the exterior and what's needed to get it done. I think right now the only things that have been brought over are the things I brought and the few brushes that Randy brought over. So we definitely need more pencils, pens, and brushes donations. We'll also need some newspaper to cover the windows for any spray work, bring the morning paper with you on Thursday.
I'd like to work on the seatcovers over at school on Thursday, if that's okay...it's awfully grimy over at the garage, and I'd like to keep the canvas clean.
And! I think a junkyard run on Saturday would be crazy exciting. Does anyone have an old typewriter? Sammy and I were thinking of doing a steampunk (a victorian, copper, clockwork-type look, check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk for a better description) theme for the interior, and it would be great to have those round keys to use as accents! The one in the drawing studio has the wrong kind of keys, otherwise it would have been perfect.
Also, if anyone has any smallish picture frames we could put photoshopped "daguerrotype" portraits of us or Deb or her dogs in, that would really add to the look too. The more ornate the better! A tiny globe would also not go amiss!
Anyway, that's kind of the look for the inside that we're excited about...what's going to happen outside? Do we want to use some crazy stencils?
Also, those spiral wheels look REALLY cool in the photo! I think I was standing too close to them to get a good look =)
Stay on campus thursday, Pacalle and Sam, and get those seats refleshed.
Great ideas for the interior.
Steampunk interior is an awesome idea.
Maybe I could try my hand at doing daguerrotype group shot that we could hang somewhere in the interior.
OMFG YES!!! Steve should DEFINITELY be in charge of the daguerreotypes!!!! Maybe we can beg Deb to bring her babies to school so that you can get shots of them, too! Pascalle and I were talking about how pilots used to keep pics of their sweeties in the cockpit, and that Deb's pups would be perfect up there stuck in the visor or something!
The wheels look great. I like the steampunk idea. I'll look for any small pic frames.
Also, if anyone has any wires of any kind, vaccuum cleaner hoses, gold or copper paints, old clocks for gears...these types of things we could really use for the interior! Even if it looks like junk, I know we can use it =)
I'll bet with 20 people looking around their attics, basements, and garages, we can surely come up with the materials that Pascalle is needing for the Steampunk interior. Other than Steve's CD rack, Bens plant stand, Randy's five brushes, and the things I've brought over, there have been no other contributions to the materials pile. It's had to make decisions without those treasures. Will someone please bring the mannequin parts from the drawing studio over to the space, along with other contributions from there?
It may be time for an all day session with some beer, pizza, adhesives, "stuff", paint, clear-coat, nuts and bolts, drawings, markers, glass, a couple of space heaters, and undivided attention.
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