Debra's face was cast this afternoon so that Ben could do a variable edition of it for mounting on the bumpers, and any where else we may find to put a face. And since we are the fortunate beneficiaries of her generous contribution to the project (the van), it seems only fitting that her face be 'plastered' across the front and back. Clay and printmaking seems like a fun combination ( a dirty variable edition, get it?). Steve will include the entire process in his portfolio "Steve's Take", so stay tuned. It'll be beautiful, I'm sure, especially since we got the slide show up and running. In the meanwhile, Ben will create a multiple of Debra's 'portraits' and I think he's planning on other "body parts" to also incorporate for an interaction that's not so repetitious. "Identifying" parts, he says. He has the bumper in the clay studio. Stay tuned.
What other "parts" does Ben want to cast? Yikes!
Yes, the casting was interesting and really fun. Everyone did a great job, and I came out of it with smoother, softer skin. So, yay for that.
And while I am flattered to be "plastered" all over the van -- this is above all -- the art van created by fine arts seniors -- so HAVe aT!! Be creative!!! And have a blast!
The process documented in the slide show are great. click on any one of them to see a larger version. Thanks, Debra, for enduring that process.
Ben, when can we cast our other parts?
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