Our work session on Saturday was a little under-whelming, since there were only four of us there, but we did get some things done in the absence of a quorum. Pacalle had the canvas and was pinning it to fit the front seats and discussed some things that are needed for the Steampunk interior theme. She's sent out a call to all of us for those materials, such as clocks, small picture frames, vaccum cleaner tubing, wire, old type-writers, etc. We have to start getting some of these materials to the space so we know what we're working with. Also, our brushes, pencils, and pens collection is mimimal at best. BRING MATERIALS WITH YOU WHEN YOU COME TO THE SPACE!!! Nate, Adam, and I worked on the hood, applying a blue undercoat with a nice blend coming in from the edges (starting to think flames would be fun....nay). Scott is going to help put together the still-life sculpture that we'll be mounting on the top, so someone needs to get those materials from the drawing studio and supplement it with other materials that you feel would make an engaging still life and bring it all over. Have you all checked out the thrift stores, Salvation Army stores, Good Will, any place where you can gather some interesting materials? Your garages, attics, and basements? Can anyone bring caulking guns? I can pick up the adhesives. As our time is getting short, we may have to have a definite division of work so that those of you who come over to watch can actually have a part in this process. Right now we need action more than an audience. The interior needs to have some color, and there are lots of jars of acrylics on hand and lots of surfaces on which you can paint images, patterns, self-portraits, anything......
YES BRING STUFF! We really need gold and copper paints =) Even old leather jackets would be super, we could re-sew them into accents.
I am gonna try to make it over to Mellwood at 9 or 10 tomorrow (tuesday) morning and start taping off big areas (like the Roof and Doors) so we can start painting them solid colors tomorrow. I think if we have big areas of color blocked in we can bring in more details later and it will all start to be cohesive. I'll hold off on painting them till everyone gets there, though. see ya there.
I'll be there w/gold spray paint ready to paint the back. Great idea Nate...i think blocking in sections w/color is a super duper idea!
I'll be around about 1230 or 1, I'll bring over some of the mannequin parts from school!
Hey! We painted the roof! Next step is getting the inside cockpit painted gold, and getting the runner panels on the exterior marked off. Would it be cool to hang curtains across the windshield, provided they could be secured back during driving? Do do you think this might be too much of an obstruction, even pinned back?
Also, I found this awesome blog that might give us some good ideas, http://thesteampunkhome.blogspot.com/
Don't forget to grab some mannequin parts! If everyone brings over an arm or leg from the drawing studio, we'll amass our collection in no time.
What are the "runner panels on the exterior"? I think curtains sound great, is that possible to get done in time, or is it something to add later down the road (no pun intended)? The Steampunk blog is interesting, i didn't realize Escher was so big, that does open up possibilities. I have some of that high-relief wall paper.
Before you grab mannequin parts, make sure that Donna and Susan are Ok with it. They may miss our golden lady. And grab any other things they're willing to discard. check your basements, garges, attics as well.
I don't know what you would call the panels on the sides; like the wood panels on the old station wagons? We were planning to do those, but in white, and then write all over it in multicolored sharpie, and put the magnets there.
High-relief wallpaper would be great! I'm wondering if curtains would take too long. They might be.
Hey, check with laurel about those side panels. I told her that someone had mentioned to me an idea that was good about getting those quotes into the mix, but I couldn't recall who told me (lots of ideas coming from a lot of directions). I also told Pasqualle that there was an interactive component to it and she was pretty happy about that. Can you all connect on those possibilities?
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