I think the interior is finally primed, although I'll double check it tomorrow (Friday), and the carpet removed (dust masks were in order). Maybe there'll be some activity while I'm gone, but I'll check in at Mellwood when I return at 4:00-ish to see how the transformation is going and if it progressed any.
We're continuing the spiral from the tires along each side of the lower door panels, so the template that we used on the tires was also used for some multiple overlapping florescent spirals (repetition is our friend). They turned out pretty nice, layering and spraying along that surface with yellow, orange, blue, and green. The outside rear-view mirrors were started, one picks up the colors of the spirals and may contain a ruby (no, not a real one), and the other has a diamond that will soon sparkle. Some started working on the hood and I'm not really sure what they decided, but it will NOT have a "snap" on it (that's what we call conflict resolution). Appropriating images and/or slogans from popular culture will age too fast and be too cliche too soon. Think original (to the extent that we can).
The interior is all acrylic/laytex, the exterior all oil. Oil-based paints clean up with mineral spirits, laytex with soap/water. The two don't mix, so don't think that they will. The bucket of water that we dip into is for the laytex/acrylic, washing hands, etc. The two cans of mineral spirits are for cleaning up the oil based stuff.
A new shiny black car owned by one of the artcar enthusiasts was branded today with florescent pink, their name sprayed across the hood (yikes!), the "sprayer" feared that the police would show up at his door this evening (we'll see, and if we don't see him for a few days, we'll know why). Before I realized what was going on it was done, so there was no stopping it. So we actually have two art cars in process. A brave soul!
Progress was made on the rear window, the template was placed and the essential lines traced onto the glass for mounting the stained glass (again, picking up on the spirals, Van Gogh had an eye for spirals). It'll be a beautiful feature.
Working in the space requires materials. I've hauled over a bunch of stuff, but extra newspaper would be good, bring some over. Brushes, exactos, any colored enamels, stuff for the steamer-punk interior, think it through. We didn't touch the dashboard area so the steamer-punk crew can begin addressing that tomorrow maybe, and there were a few people who said they had things to contribute to that theme. There are a lot of color available as I brought over all of my jars of acrylic color. They can be mixed with the can of white for tints. There are also brushes available, but if you have favorites, bring them. Someone will be working on the tail-lights decals for the IUS logo.
We need to start putting together the drawing studio still-life materials to mount to the roof. It all needs to be arranged and somehow bolted together as one piece (without the bolts/attaching mechanism showing, figure it out). If it's going to be "GOLD", how about a royal blue base? Maybe royal blue that fades to deep red? Ohhhhh., that would be so nice with a gold-leaf still life. Maybe measuring the length of the roof will help to establish the length of the still life.
I understand there's an artcar working-party at the space on Saturday. I'll be by to see how much fun we're having.
Oh man!!! Kristy's car??
Those spirals look crazy awesome! I prewashed about nine yards of canvas yesterday (ugh, heavy!!) and I'm cutting out the seatcovers tonight!
I'm getting spray paint and brushes. Anyone going over tomorrow?
I wish I could, it sounds like fun. I have to work from 3:30 on.
I've decided to cast my hands too after all hands are most important when it comes to this project and other arts.
I was considering some breasts too, does anyone appose or want to volunteer. Maybe I should get someone outside the group for this. I'm sure Deb wouldn't mind having a few sets of hooters hanging out on her van.
I am all for the breast idea. I will make sure to have the camera on hand for that process.
If you're not casting all body parts, and I mean all, such as feet, ears, arms, legs, hips, groin, full torso, etc, then I think focusing on breasts is maybe not appropriate in this situation, especially when that content is referenced as "hooters." The expressive qualities of the hands and faces is perhaps strong enough, and adding such charged additional content to those parts might be a little distracting to your original focus. Can you elaborate on your thinking?
Hooters? Don't think so, unless you want them sledgehammered off. "Hooters" are objectifying to women, and that's not how I roll.
Ben, can you come get the other bumper, no one had the tools to pull it off?
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