We have a few computer issues happening on Steve's end this week (last week it was mine), but Steve is trying to get it resolved soon so we'll have more images to post, I hope, by the weekend.
Laurel has obtained a 'gift card' from Home Depot for materials, such as paints, grout, and adhesives. Laurel has done an excellent job getting donations for this project. I'll start a "donors" section soon as we now have two donors to the IUSARTCAR project. I'll be posting their corporate logos soon so those who are visiting our blog might stop by those establishments and get some stuff for their own art cars.
Anyone have access to E6000 adhesive, bring it over with you, the more the sticky-merrier.
Where are those mannequins? How about those pens, pencils, and brushes? How about those clock parts? Vacuum cleaner hoses? Or bring the clocks and we'll mine for the parts. Any old type-writers out there? The back tail gate has ben claimed and there are serious plans for that space, this has apparently been an agreement with those who've been at Mellwood on a consistent basis. Check with Laurel or Kaitlin for details. Remember that this is a collaborative project, so if you do something that's not 'part of the plan', you may find it covered with rubber duckies the next time you stop by to work.
The weekend is forecast to be warm (70 degrees) and it may be our last opportunity, our last possibility to work comfortably. This past week has been pretty chilly. You may want to coordinate a work-party that moves the project into a very productive direction. You can communicate with each other by using an old email from me, eliminate me from the list if you'd like to make plans that don't include me, my feelings won't be hurt. Then I can just be surprised when I stop by at some point over the weekend. Although to be honest, it would be nice to see more consideration happening in the back interior, that activity was not considerate of the Steamerpunk idea that had been embraced or the assignments that had been distributed. REMEMBER, it's collaborative, you're looking for consensus, you're creating something as a community that says something about you as artists who are working collaboratively. If you're working independently of everyone else, you're taking away someone else's creative opportunities. Everyone has some 'grunt work' and everyone has some 'creative work'...like Obama, "spread the wealth."(chuckle)