I got to Mellwood this morning about 10:00 and putzed around with various tasks until Adam got there. We began working on the carpeting both wishing it had a bit more bulk, but for a donation it really did give a much cleaner appearance. The final analysis was that it looked pretty good, and I think we were both pretty pleased with that effort. Jamie came by and helped with some detailing, cleaning up on the roster decal for the most part. Today was his 26th birthday so I didn't have any issues about him leaving to go to the various celebrations that had been scheduled throughout the city. That was it for workers today!
Debra came by and did some additional 'foaming' on the roof and will return tomorrow to finish that up with some painting. The eyeball and the legs now have a connection. We're very close. This was a very slow weekend with few of you stopping by to see what you could do to add something to the final resolution. There are some details that need to be addressed, the space needs to be cleaned out, and our stuff needs to be hauled out. How about a team coming over on Tuesday after we meet on campus?
Okay, seriously, my name has no Q in it.
Seriously, I wish you had said something before now, like three years ago when I was using the QU in your name with no comment. You are now Pasqualle unless you can figure out how to change it on the car's roster. You could paint over it with red and then write out your name with gold. I've been using a QU for years with no mention, so now it's clear: you're PASCALLE. So there's another detail to address on the artcar. Thanks for the update.
I thought you were just being mean three years ago! I didn't know it was unintentional!
It's ok, Deb said it was karma for misspelling "enables", so I'm willing to accept that as the price I pay for my epic typo shame.
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