Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Off Campus
The IUSARTCAR has now been moved off campus, temporarily stored in Donna's driveway while Debra is in San Francisco. Driving the van on the streets is an enjoyable experience. While I was maneuvering the traffic during rush hour, two different people stuck cellphones out of their car windows to shoot pictures, others pointed, waved, laughed....a few pretended they didn't see me, although I know they did; I mean, seriously. What's also interesting when you drive the IUSARTCAR, is that you end up waving also, sometimes to people who didn't wave first. We should have designed a uniform for the driver(s) to wear! (What happened to that blond wig from Fargo?)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
WE'RE EXPOSED (unveiled)

We loaded the stove, milk, cider, cups and a table into the back of Ben's truck and hauled it over to the IUSARTCAR site for the unveiling today. It was very cold and windy, but we've gotten kind of used to being in the cold since our studio where our work was done was usually colder that it was outside. It was, after all, designed to be a cold environment.
As we approached the noon-hour, a small group started to gather around. I heard someone in the crowd say "move that bus." The parachute was flapping in the wind as though it wanted to expedite the process, and so at noon it happened. Everyone pulled the multi-colored cloth off and from the crowd there were audible gasps, laughter, and oh-my-goshes, followed by applause. My very brief comment during the final count down was that the IUSARTCAR was, in fact, a rare exception to the notion that too many cooks spoil the both. It pulled together beautifully, especially in the last two weeks when all those small details got addressed.
Nicely done, gang.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The GPS giving directions to the IUS campus.
Parked and parachuted in Mc Cullough Plaza; ready for the unveiling.

Tonight Debra and I drove to Mellwood to finish cleaning up and getting the IUSARTCAR ready for its trip to the IUS campus. It was very cold and wet; really cold and wet! I was pleasantly surprised to find the garage in order, the newest decal applied, and both sides clear-coated. Debra and I finished cleaning up, loading things into the back of my car, and then waited around for any takers on the trip back to campus; there were none. Hmmmm. So I left my car there and climbed into the van for its maiden voyage as an art car instead of a soccer mom car. It was a rich experience, full of interesting surprises. We got lots of interesting looks and waves, we listened for parts and pieces loosening and ejecting from the car body (it didn't happen). Especially pleasant was the beads in the back jingling like "coins". We tried to see the road through the gossamer film from in-effective windshield wipers ( an overlooked detail). Everything stayed tight, in place, and survived the trip.
After the long circuitous voyage back to campus, we arrived at McCullough Plaza for our two days stay in public view. We're in the Plaza instead of in front of our beautiful Library because of the two inch rainfall and the above freezing temperatures. There was fear the van would sink into oblivion. We were greeted by Amanda, Brent, and...... that was it...hmmmmm. We covered it with a brightly colored parachute that Annie provided. However, little did we know that the wind would be so brisk that the parachute almost took off to unknown regions of the adjacent parking lot. We called Brian Harper, our newest ceramics professor, and he donated bricks to anchor the parachute. We're set for the unveiling, and the forecast is freezing rain. We can only hope for the best with hot chocolate and cider provided.
C'mon over to the IUS campus, Thursday, noon. Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Kristy and I got most of the detailing done today, although the seat belts still look awful, but at least the mounts look good. It was pouring down rain so I moved the van back away from the dripping ceiling and due to the humidity, the detailing, especially the trim work, would not dry. We left all the doors ajar so they wouldn't be sealed shut.
What's left? Cleaning the windows, applying the new "IUS Fine Arts" decal, clear-coating the decaled areas, mounting the 'sparkled' hubcaps, cleaning the garage. I can do the clear-coating when I come over, or if you want to do it, have at it. I expect/assume this will be done tomorrow while I'm in the afternoon Printmaking Critique. Of course, Julie and Brent won't be able to make it over until after the critique. We will bring the van to campus around 7:00 p.m. If there could be a car pool over to Mellwood, some of you could ride back to campus in the van. I pulled it out into the sun yesterday and everyone that drove by slowed to gawk at the majesty of it! It's getting lots of attention, and once Kaitlin gets the last decal on, it will be in its most finished state. I'll be there after my critique.
Donna will have some plywood tire supports to keep us from sinking into the ground and I'm supposed to call the IUS Police to let them know as we're arriving tomorrow after dark. I love the idea of sneaking onto campus under the cloak of darkness!
See you tomorrow for the journey to campus.
Monday, December 8, 2008
For Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I've emailed everyone a punch list, things to do before we leave Mellwood for the IUS campus on Wednesday night. It's extensive, but shouldn't take too long to accomplish. First and foremost, Pasqualle is now Pascalle. My mistake for the past three years and throughout the entire semester on the blog. Sorry Kaitlin for arguing with you about the spelling. Maybe we can change it by hand.
Tomorrow (Tuesday, December 9, 2008) we'll meet on campus during regular class time to deal with some bureaucratic stuff and then move on to Mellwood to deal with the punch list. The artcar is looking really good, but those finishing touches will make a big difference in how we look with folks moving around the car on Thursday during the unveiling.
We have to get rid of the garbage we've accumulated in the last few months. I'll bring garbage bags, and if each of you could take one with you when you leave, it would make it easier on everyone.
See you tomorrow.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sunday/Pearl Harbor/Jamie's B-Day

I got to Mellwood this morning about 10:00 and putzed around with various tasks until Adam got there. We began working on the carpeting both wishing it had a bit more bulk, but for a donation it really did give a much cleaner appearance. The final analysis was that it looked pretty good, and I think we were both pretty pleased with that effort. Jamie came by and helped with some detailing, cleaning up on the roster decal for the most part. Today was his 26th birthday so I didn't have any issues about him leaving to go to the various celebrations that had been scheduled throughout the city. That was it for workers today!
Debra came by and did some additional 'foaming' on the roof and will return tomorrow to finish that up with some painting. The eyeball and the legs now have a connection. We're very close. This was a very slow weekend with few of you stopping by to see what you could do to add something to the final resolution. There are some details that need to be addressed, the space needs to be cleaned out, and our stuff needs to be hauled out. How about a team coming over on Tuesday after we meet on campus?
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Yesterday and today (Friday/Saturday) were intense working days, about seven hours each. Several stopped by to add to the process and we had a lot of major things accomplished, but several were missed in the course of the work which was pretty disappointing. The mannequin still life got mounted/bolted onto the roof, as well as the eyeball. Jamie instructed us through the first phase and we were able to get through the second after he left for work. The difficult part was cutting the 36" screws that were hanging down through the roof. Debra went to Home Depot and rented a thing that cuts through such stuff, plier like device so big, so heavy that we were like lilliputians trying to negotiate this enormous plier. It had to weight 30 pounds! Now we have to figure out how to get the clipped screws capped with some kind or ornamentation.
Amanda, Nate, and Adam came by and worked for a while getting the carpet cut out, but there's a lot that still needs to be done to get that installed. Amanda brought some heavier carpet that we thought might be workable but it wasn't long enough to cover the van so we decided to use it as a base for the blue carpet which has needed some extra body anyway. Laurel came by to say "hi" and see where we were. Kaitlin worked on the roster decal that lists all of those who are part of this project. The antenna brush was completed and Ben also did finishing touches on the front and back bumpers: he didn't like the way I had slopped paint on his ceramic pieces. Debra was a huge help over the past two days. She finished clear coating the interior, and she rented a turbo heater that kept us warm on Friday and Saturday (sadly, it was returned to home depot today). She was a really big help in mounting the roof stuff and I think she'll come by on Sunday for a bit of foaming and painting on the rooftop.
I hope there's a crew who can come over tomorrow (Sunday) to help get some of these details finished up and start getting the space cleaned up (bring a few garbage bags with you). We'll be working until Wednesday evening before we bring the van to campus. Annie, any news on the parachute?
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Boy, we're close now. The interior was finished today and is ready to be clear coated. However, we ran into a little snafu with the Clear Coat, it dissolved some of the paints, particularly the bronze color in the cockpit, it really looks antiqued now. We may look at another alternative for that finishing work. Spray would be better, but that would mean having to mask out all of the non-spray areas again. Who's up for that? The bumpers and the driver side got clear coated, the bumper foam was also finished with a black enamel. The rear door on the outside was finished although parts had to be scraped down to the primer and repainted because of the poly-run. Additional glass beads were added to the passenger side after we scoured the floor for additional stones, so the stones don't stop at the driver door now, but rather continues back. The dog leash holders were put in; the cockpit frames were untapped; trim work was addressed on both the inside and out; detailing on the inside of the windshield and dashboard was done. It was a pretty productive day. Those who participated on this last official day of class were: Randy, Kate, Amanda, Kaitlin, Sarrah, Lisa, Pasqualle, Samantha, Steve, Julie, Kristy, and Annie. Laurel started her new job, but she'll be on hand this weekend. I don't know what happened to Ben, Adam, Nate, Brent, Jamie, and Rebecca, but I'm hopeful they'll be there for the big finish this weekend.
I am going to put together a punch-list tomorrow, a list of all the things that need to be completed and resolved by next Wednesday. I'll post it here and run it by everyone in an email. We're looking at a 12:00 gathering on Saturday, en masse, to address a lot of things to wrap up at Mellwood. The more the merrier!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The work groups seem to be getting smaller, but their productivity seems to be getting bigger; we can see the light at the end of the garage.
Jamie did miraculous things with the headlamps - they look new! Kaitlin and Amanda continued to seal up the back mirror mosaic complete with icicles hanging around them (see Steve's portfolio). Annie and Rebecca were getting the interior finished, and Ben and Randy made a stealth delivery of the bumpers yesterday which are now in place ready for final attachment. Pasqualle and Lisa worked in the cockpit installing some framed images from Steve's portfolio, a touching record of our journey. It's all looking really good.
I saw that the forecast for tomorrow calls for 51 and possibly rain, sounds like a perfect day to do some clear coating and I may try to get that started on the exterior. I have a satin clearcoat for the interior and some brushes for you interior folks. Jamie is going to get a long drill bit and bolts to attach the roof goodies and Debra has passed on to me the solar cell/light for the eyeball. It would be great to get that roof stuff done so that we can do the finishing touches on it ASAP. A Saturday session for knocking our some of the final big stuff would be good, that carpet, for example, has to get cut and installed.
The Unveiling is officially set for Thursday, December 11, at 12:00 (noon). I have gotten permission to bring the van over to campus on Wednesday night, park it in place, cover it with something (ideas?), and then unveil it the next day. You all can make those plans, but I know that the department is trying to put together some hot cocoa and cider to serve to our guests. Can't wait for that opening!
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