Tuesday, September 30, 2008


There was a full moon yesterday; the financial bail-out failed; the stock market tanked, and 1.2 trillion dollars disappeared.  The energy of the past two weeks has been a little tense ever since that ill-wind named Ike blew through on the 14th.  So we need to regroup.

The discussion today in Seminar eventually uncovered the fact that there has not been enough communication between all of you.  This Thursday the Semianr will meet during our regular time to nail down process and direction.  Please plan to be there.  Part of the discussion today also touched on some hesitation about the 'Green' theme and its potential of being too cliche. Although I would think that between 20 creative individuals, you could easily avoid anything that could be perceived as trite or hackneyed.  The idea itself isn't trite, but the expression of the idea could be if the stereotypes of the idea are not flushed out in our process.   So, simply, make it work.

The quick glance we took at the more comprehensive artcar blog had many examples of both trite and unique.  The more informed we become about how and what to express with our idea the less likely we are to end up with something cliche, and it's up to you to make that happen.

I'll be back this evening with images and information about our studio.

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