Here are some ideas currently being considered. And since we have narrowed our concept to a "green" expression, some of the ideas are appropriate and could be expanded in even more directions. Of course, as we begin actual work who knows where the idea will actually settle. The discussion today about having an interactive component was strong, especially since there are folks out in the world who do not believe that the science, attitude, or way of life that embraces 'green' (global warming?) is an issue. They may want to include their comments, or even make use of a sledge hammer against our quarter-panels.
What other ideas do you have that fit our concept?

I really like the idea of turning the car into a globe with all the continents falling around the van. We could even include graphs of each countries carbon emissions or whatever other info that pertains to environmental impact. I think it would make a strong statement on a global level.
A couple things to keep in mind: The Green theme could become rather cliche. Also, I think some people are kind of against the whole green theme in general because they dont want to come off as "tree-huggers."
These are just a couple things that make our task even more difficult. These are the issues that need to be talked out. If someone has a problem with the theme, or a certain aspect of the theme, then speak up! It's a project we HAVE to do, so you better make the best of it!
With all that said...
I like the globe idea as well. I feel like we can make a stronger statement by thinking on a global level.
The second and third pictures (van as globe with glaciers on top) are the ones that are most appealing to me. I've always been a supporter of changing the shape of the van, so I think building glaciers on top is an idea we should run with.
I think chicken wire would be one good option. It's light weight, and easy to mold. The only problem is covering it. Whatever we use would need to stand up against the weather. Another option could be styrofoam. However, that material is not very environmentally friendly. Any thoughts... about anything!?
We could always paint a tarp and lay it over chicken wire for the sculpture on top. Just an afterthought...
I agree with the idea of having a glacier (or something that changes the shape of the van) on the roof. The car itself is not very environmentally friendly (also the fact that stuff is undoubtedly going to be falling off the body and littering the streets from time to time). so i don't see any problems with using something like styrofoam.
I was also wondering if anyone has access to an airbrush and air compressor. I think using an airbrush to paint on the body of the van will give it a more polished and clean look.
If anyone has a problem with the "green" theme, as Adam suggests, speak up now of forever hold your gear-shift. We don't necessarily have to go the route of "tree hugger", whatever that means in this context, although I've known a few trees worth hugging and have even hugged a few. It's not about hugging trees, but rather looking at waht Adam suggests: going global. Check out the site: http://www.treehugger.com/gogreen.php
I also like the glacier idea, even the idea of it melting down the sides. When we were throwing around ideas in class, that crudely drawn idea on the blackboard was just a quick though. When Laurel actualized it with a photoshop image, I though, "that's kinda cool." Spray foam and chicken wire would work great, I would think, as long as we reinforce it against wind resistance. Styrofoam is also a possibility. In fact, the continents of the earth could be cut out of styrofoam and painted.
The carbon emissions (footprint) idea is great, we'll need some researchers.
Adam, elaborate on what you mean by "global level", just so we understand what you mean.
Changing the shape is something we should really consider. When I look at some of the photoshopped images in the thinktank, I can't get past the shape of the van. It needs to not look like a van.
Good stuff gang, keep it coming.
Well, By global level, which nate also mentioned, I think I just meant that we need to think BIGGER than ourselves, and our community. Everyone always says "do your part" or "you can make a difference" which is true, only if EVERYONE is doing his or her part. I think if we focus on larger issues, we can make a statement that will relate to more people.
That makes all kinds of sense, Adam. We do need to think bigger than ourselves, without isolating, or even eliminating those who will view our creation. What are some of the larger issues we need to examine? How does the current economic situation impact our vision? How green can we be when the green of our economy is is becoming less opaque? The reverberations of this situation are complex. If we can focus on larger issues that will related to more people that would be great. However, I think it's the visual components that will make people look, first of all, and think, secondly. What make folks look? That iceberg on the roof may do that, what else?
I think if we change the shape of the van enough, people will look...
Brian, you said you couldn't get past that it still looks like a van in all the "sketches" so I've been trying to think of ways to change the shape.
The glacier on top could work, but we're kind of limited on what we can do to the sides because we can't go too wide, and the sliding door has to work.
What if we still paint it to look like the earth and build hands onto the sides, "cupping" the van. It would look like hands were holding the van/earth... which is a pretty universal environmental symbol. And have a plant "growing" out of the top of the van.
I have a rough photoshop mock up, something I threw together to kind of illustrate what I mean. I'll email it to you Brian. Just an idea.
I just added the image to the Thinktank. I like the idea of the hands, although the plant on top would probably not survive the 30 - 60 mph winds when the van is driven, unless it's not a real plant. Maybe is we get a tree....I have a friend who did an exhibit installation where she got a small tree that had died, cut it straight at the base, mounted it onto a platform, painted it white, and then planted grass around it. In about a week's time the grass had sprouted in the gallery leaning heavily toward the lone window in the gallery. The bare white tree was pretty dramatic against the green grass. So, maybe we could do something with a tree on top instead of an iceberg, but we also have to be mindful of the height of the vehicle once we do what ever we do on the top.
I agree the plant cant be too tall.. and I didn't mean a real plant.. I meant a plant sculpted out of wire or something, instead of a glacier.
So i am kind of worried that no one is posting any ideas since we apparently aren't going with the idea that we have had for the last two weeks.
I still really like the globe idea and think that is the concept we have pushed the furthest at this point, but i really don't care which direction we take with this project. I will work on any design we finalize. But seriously, if we are going to change our concept every week, this project is not going to get done! So post your hearts out because this concept needs to be finalized before any progress can be made!
The idea that adam had with the hands surrounding the car seems like a good way to break the silhouette of the van in a creative way.
Does anyone have any good ideas on how to craft hands that will serve this purpose?
Also, i like the idea of using the roof as a platform for another sculptural element. The icebergs work with the idea with the globe. I also like the idea of a sculptural plant/tree.
Does anyone have any other suggestions on what we could do with the roof?
I think the idea of painting murals around the body of the van (that may or may not represent the world) can act as a bridge between the sculptural elements and add more interest to the over-all design.
Does anyone have any suggestions for illustrations/paintings/murals?
We discussed, at one point, bringing an interactive element into our design by using a dry erase board (or something to that extent) for people to write on.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to integrate that into our design?
We haven't even discussed what could be done on the interior so if anyone has ideas on that i am sure it would be very beneficial.
I still like the idea of painting the van to like like the Earth. If the depletion of our natural resources isn't in the forefront of everyone's minds; it should be. Plus, I have not seen any art cars online that have fully embraced this idea of "globally going green".
There are plenty of "recycle" themed cars and "plant/garden" themed cars out there.
We could build the continents up like a topigraphical map. The ceramics students could certainly create some beautiful mountain ranges.
Also, we could "recycle/reuse" items like coal, rock, sand, glass, etc. We could create some beautiful texture and dimension with these type of items.
I'm afraid that some of the Transformers are concerned that their skills will not be put to good use. I feel strongly that if we could agree on the overall design each student will have plenty of room to utilize their talents.
I like the idea of adding windmills somewhere on the van. Not the hokey one's that you blow--the three pronged windmills that are actually used for wind power. Wind power is definitely an alternative energy source being used around the world today. Maybe we could paint some near Holland or something.
Also, what if we inscribed global statistics near the corresponding continent/country. ie...
Americans make up five percent of the world’s population, but contribute nearly 25 percent of the greenhouse gas pollution that causes global warming.
This would give the design students some creativity in handling the type. If we did our homework we could all contribute at least one piece of data each that we our personally concerned with. This could help each of us feel more connected to the "cause."
I agree with nate, we had an idea, we were blogging, and ideas were being worked out.
Brian had mentioned in a different thread the idea of using recycled studio materials such as mannequin parts as a theme because we would all relate to it. I like that idea, but i think we run the risk of it looking "junky," which is something we wanted to steer clear of. I think there's going to be risk in anything we do, such as the green theme becoming cliche. But we can do the green theme in a fresh way! and since it has been thought out the most, I say we stick with that.
I wont be in class thursday because my drawing class is canceled so I have a chance to get some extra hours in at work. The point of this blog was to discuss ideas outside of class time. So, i believe my input here is enough to excuse me from the meeting thursday. My vote is for the green theme, and painting the van as a globe.
Hopefully, someone who's there thursday will have checked out this blog. Please include all ideas you see here in your discussion because we've all been working hard on this.
Oh, also... since we're kind of starting over... does this mean the pirate ship idea is back on the table as well?! you all know that would rock!
Honestly, I'm up for whatever is decided... just let me know.
I thought that we were sticking with the original idea and just fine tuning it. I may be wrong. We will be meeting on Thursday to discuss these things anyways.
I'm pretty sure its not just a fine tuning... I mean, on here, we were pretty settled on painting the van as a globe, putting something on top.. and going environmental. Now, that's all kinda been questioned.
And even though we're meeting thursday I think the discussion needs to continue on here. It will help us generate more ideas before the meeting. And it will allow people to speak their part if they can't be there thursday.
nate, you brought up a question about the interior... if we go with the green idea, which is where I'm at right now because there havent been any other ideas mentioned on here... what about painting a sky on the sides and ceiling, and using plastic grass on the floor.. kind of make it an outside inside... that's all i got right now!
I think brainstorming some possibilities of making the interior an exterior could generate some good ideas.
Again, it looks like no more than four or five of us are checking this blog regularly. I will not be able to make it to the discussion on thursday either for similar reasons as adam. I really hope that the people the can show up take into account what has been discussed on this blog. As i said before, no matter what theme we go with i will do my part.
I agree... I've given my two cents and more. If noone wants to discuss ideas outside of class nothing is going to get done. It can't just be 3 or 4 of us, and I'm not going to put too much time into a discussion if it's going nowhere. Let me know what's decided and I'll help!
I am also unable to attend class Thurs. I teach a drawing class in Louisville on Thursdays and I am really pushing it if I drive all the way to IUS for a 45 minute class meeting.
It would be nice to see other students join the discussion on the blog.
Anyway...I'm unsure how well the chicken wire will hold up. I think if we use the expandable foam we could sculpt the ice peak and the hands pretty easily. As I said in class, I had the opportunity last weekend to paint some foam and the paint adhered very well to the dried foam.
I really like the idea of the hands. There is something about us making a comment about taking these global issues into our "hands" that really speaks to me. There is the whole global citizen/accountability/responsibility issue here that we are commenting on!
Here are some links to help you identify global warming issues that you may have a particular connection to:
hi everyone,
this is Kristy Ho :) I have no comment
Hey! Ok, so I really like the idea of the globe on the car, and I think it would look really neat if it was painted right. We could start out with a dark blue and then layer the colors from there. Also, we want the top of the van to have something on it, so lets either go with the ice caps made of foam, or the tree that Adam had on one of his designs. We wouldn't necessarily have to make the tree, we might be able to buy a fake one, depending on how durable they are. I like the hands in the front of the car too. I think that we should take the idea of low relief from the top of the car onto the body. We can do mountains, and lakes, rivers, etc.etc. according to where they are on the continents. Something else we could do is, going with the whole writing thing on the van, we could write the problem areas on the corresponding area, and how we think it could be changed, or what the government is, or isn't, doing to help. Just a couple thoughts.
I am up for whatever we decide on! Im okay with all the recent ideas... and Adam I like your 'inside-outside' idea :)
I really like the idea of transforming the inside to the outside. Also, I think that the hands are a really good idea. I think Adam said it, that the hands encompassing the globe is a very universal symbol and I think that it would really set out van apart.
Lets go back to the pirate ship idea. -Brent
I thought we were set on the globe idea last week. I'm interested in the holding the globe in our hands idea b/c it's very relevant. I'm open for whatever and would like to get rolling with this...
Yes I like the idea of what you were saying about what to do on the inside. We could make a pretty cool sculpture of a plant to go on top and as far as the hands, well we could use the wire and then spray that foam stuff, then sculpt and carve around that. I understand what you mean by the way about utilizing this blog for our discussions, I do plan on coming, but If I get too sick to come I would still like to know what's going on. I wasn't trying to discredit the blogging.
Turns out, I'm not doing too hot today, I'll have to stay back. I was looking at the image again with the hands and noticed that the headlights were covered. I still like the ideal of the hands holding the earth/ van, but i think we might want to do something about the headlights, so they don't get covered. I also took the time to look up global carbon emissions, here's a website that should have some useful images, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJpj8UUMTaI,
There were other websites, but their address were extremely long so I thought that I'd just email the images to you all. I know we have all expressed that we don't want this to look like a parade float or a junk mobile, and others have expressed they don't want it to look like a tree hugger float either. That being said, if we change the shape of the van it will definitely be cool, I think we can pull this off without hitting any of the above mentioned taboos. Some of the oceans could be done in mosaic glass. (Just a thought). Since I couldn't make it today, please let me know what was said and what's going on.
well, thank you all for posting! I know the hands in the image i generated are covering the headlights which obviously wont work... that was just something I threw together quickly to kind of illustrate my idea.
If we go with hands around the van, it may be easier to just build them onto the sides and barely wrap them around the front.
As much as We all agree that the Green Car idea is nice and it makes a great statement I have heard from more than one person that they would like the car to be more personal and not so political. Today Samantha, Randy, Ben, Lisa, Myself, and Julie discussed the Idea of a possible Theme "The evolution of Modern Art" With that theme we can incorporate or own individual ideas in the reproductions. If we stick to the art theme it ties us all together as IUS art students and we can all use the skills we have concentrated on through our time in school. Samantha is willing to create a time line of works in order to give us an Idea. With the reproductions we can interpret them individually. We would just like to see the car go more personal.
Modern art??? Yuck!
Why can't we stick with the green theme we already had, but make THAT more personal?
Or the pirate ship. That could be a lot of fun =D
It wouldn't just be modern art, it's more of a time line using art, from ancient to modern. At least that's how I understood it.
so... was nothing decided today then?
how about we do a car based on the current political/economical status of america... we can call it the shit mobile... and it can sit in a junkyard rotting from the inside out... im moving to canada
First, the globe being held by hands could easily pull in all of our skills; and we can contribute with what we have been trained to do...drawing, painting, sculpting, ceramics/glass.
Creating a cohesive design with skilled craftsmanship would show off all of our talents and our fine arts training.
That being said...
I like the idea of the progressive arts van based on a timeline. But, my biggest concerns is that it would not appear connected or cohesive in any way to the viewer. Are we talking about twenty different artist's reinterpretations of masterpieces?!?
If so, I think it would be ridiculous for the twenty of us to recreate or imitate a master's work! Our "imitation" may not be able to stand-up to the comparison with the masterpiece.
If the "global van" and the "progressive art van" our the two designs where the class is split; then, I think we should hold an anonymous ballot at our next meeting with Brian Jones.
I am willing to do whatever the majority of the class chooses to do. The bottom line is we simply must make a decision and commit to it!! Brian wants us in the Mellwood studio ready to begin work by Tuesday!
Adam please don't go north, aye! We'd miss you! ;)
Plus, we'll need your skills!!
Honestly.... I'm cool with either or. With only five of us showing up today we cannot make a decision for the whole class. Facing the facts we have 20 people in a class and 20 different ideas, there is always gong to be someone that isn't going to like an idea.
well i wish everyone else would also blog like we're supposed to... that sure would help.
I like the idea of a vote!
Adam, if you run away to Canada, I'm never going to share my ginger beer with you!
Yeah, the anonymous vote idea is good thing. I just want us to get to an idea and move on. We have been coming up with some really good ideas so far..... And yeah don't run to Canada, lol it would be too cold, just joking.
I think that we should vote.
I wouldn't mind going to canada myself. :) Since I'm completely out of touch anyway(I have no internet at home). I'll blog whenever I'm close to a computer though!
Ok,since there are a billion different ideas going around, we need to vote on Tuesday, either green car or modern art timeline. personally, I think that the green car would show all of our different skills, more so than the modern art, because me recreating a masterpiece will looking like a rolling pile of junk. We need to give those 2 options for a vote and then whichever one wins, we need to have a list of different ways to go: global warming, cupping hands, ice caps ontop, or timeline of masterpieces etc.etc. to vote on immediately after. I think that way, we will walk away on Tuesday with an idea, and we can start going over and sanding the van down and start painting, and have an idea of which way to go. I realize that there weren't many people there on Thursday to put their input in, but those that were, please make some subcategories that we could choose from if the modern art car wins the vote. If we keep tossing ideas around, nothing is ever going to get accomplished. We have 2 months to do this, and we all are so overloaded with school anyways, we need to get started. Be ready to vote on Tuesday.
hooray vote... and pascalle, im taking you up on that beer offer. Im ignoring the fact that you said ginger beer though. all i saw was BEER!
I was pretty disappointed at the low turn out on Thursday...I was under the impression Brian wanted that to be a regular class day? It seems like no one who was for the green car bothered to show up.
Honestly, I think the "green car" idea is just a political hot button and doesn't really have much to do with us as a class or even any of us personally at all. I mean, it does as it effects everyone in the world, but seriously, how many of us have even considered making eco themed art up to this point? I also think it's pretty hypocritical to have an eco-mobile that gets maybe 15 miles to the gallon on gas. In the name of honesty I will say this, and I really really hope it doesn't hurt any feelings: For *us* to do a green-mobile seems to be firmly in the territory of preachy and dangerously close to pretentious.
Also, please let's consider what this car is going to be *used* for; art. It is going to be used to get art to, from and around campus. I'm not saying we must go with the *evolution of art* theme, but at least it is appropriate for *who* is making it and *what* it is being made for. We were really wanting to discuss more ideas on Thursday, but with the low turn out there just wasn't going to be enough input.
Let's not freak out just yet, guys! Honestly, we couldn't have done anything up until this point even if we had a killer idea and all the materials and everyone on board. We don't have the space, we don't have the van, and we haven't gotten a look at our available materials. We haven't lost any time yet.
I am not usually so out spoken, but I think we can do something much more meaningful here, something much more of a contribution. I hope I didn't hurt any feelings, and if I did I seriously apologize. Really! This is supposed to be fun, but it is supposed to be fun for *all* of us, and I think it would be hard to get such a politically motivated theme to sit right with a group of 20. It would be better to go with something more neutral that everyone could bring some passion to, not just a few of us.
Yeahbut the original concept we had could easily be *made* fun, and much more cohesive than an modern art amalgamation. It doesn't have to be preachy if we don't want it to be!
Hey, I'm down with whatever makes the most people happy. I am not die hard for the modern art thing, but I think it has much more promise and makes *much* more sense for this particular group to do... there is still time for new ideas!!! We can't do anything until Brian gets back, at the very soonest... throw some more ideas out there! We don't have to choose between what makes us *least* unhappy!
Ok... First of all... I've never blogged in my life... I'm only doing this because it's basically a class requirement. I feel like this blog is the best way to get our ideas out there. If we wait to discuss everything during class hours, nothing will get accomplished.
I understand there was a low turnout Thursday. My guess: half the class probably didn't even know we were supposed to be there. Half the class missed Tuesday when it was decided we would meet Thursday.
I missed Thursday because I had already told my work I would stay because we weren't supposed to be meeting. I'm sure many people have similar excuses.
I know it's a bummer many people weren't there, but let's not say no one for the green car idea "bothered" to show up. I believe there were many valid reasons many people were not there.
I know you wanted to discuss more ideas Thursday, but that's also what this blog is for. And, might I remind you all, only HALF the class has even posted comments on the blog.
The truth is, the meeting Thursday shouldn't have been necessary. Had everyone been blogging like we were supposed to, we could have come to a decision TUESDAY in class.
I made it very clear what my vote was before the meeting Thursday, as did many other bloggers. There were a lot of great ideas going on right here, online. Had anyone that attended Thursday been following the blog closely, all ideas would have been presented at the meeting.
I'm not saying it's one person's responsibility to present another person's idea. But this is a group project. If person A can't be at a meeting, person B, C, or D should make sure person A's ideas are known.
We are all creative in our own way. We all have our own ideas. All of us will never be happy with one idea. If we keep going back and forth like this nothing will get done, and we are on a very tight time schedule.
No, we haven't lost any time working on the van. But I believe we've lost time by basically starting over. If certain people didn't like the green idea, that should have been brought up two weeks ago. At this point, a vote is the only way.
There seem to be two sides to this argument: green van and art van.
Honestly, I'm cool with whatever... I say we vote next class. Those people who have not been a part of the discussion can vote on one of those two ideas. If you want more say in what is voted on, B-L-O-G!
That's where I stand. I know it may be a little blunt, but someone has to be.
We could have a battle royale in which the green car people square off against the non green car people in a death match.
I just figured out today that we could leave comments and have spent the last hour catching up on what has been said. I say we vote, get our theme down and start working. The hands around the globe thing is actually a pretty creative way to pull of the green theme without being cliche, I think.
Yeah, we could have an Artcar Deathmatch and sell tickets to raise money for supplies!! =P
OMFG YES!!! I am down for the death match idea! It seemed like every high-maintenance customer in Louisville came by the store today, and I am primed and ready bust some skulls!
i say we include the pirate ship in the vote... i have a feeling it might actually get a few votes!
I will throw down on behalf of the pirate ship. I call shotgun on the crows nest.
Boy, now that's some discussion (53 comments). I wasn't able to get access to the internet while I was in Fargo, so it's taken a little while to catch up. I'm glad that there was some exchange going on and that you're batting around some ideas. We'll meet on Tuesday, everyone, it's finally time to get this nailed down.
One of the aspects of a group collaborative project is to deal with conflict resolution, coming up with an idea as a group, consensus, and pursuing it with passion. However, ownership to the project is also essential. If you don't feel ownership, if the idea is one, or two, or four peoples ideas, the rest feel left out with no investment, thereby not feeling any passion for the project. We can get this resolved, you can get this resolved.
The idea of the "Art" vs. "Green" is workable; there are two sides to the van, including a top, back, and front, plus the interior. Perhaps there's a way to connect the two ideas: Green Art! Or perhaps there are two distinct sides to the van. As Pascalle said, and artcar "deathmatch"!!!!!
I did take a few breaks from the conference to read and re-read some of your artists' statements and the current group of Thesis statements, and there is a connecting theme, or strain of thought running throughout most of them: creative "problem solving." You've had a problem presented to you with few parameters, and we're still kicking this around. We know what the problem is now lets define the solution Let's settle as a group and pursue it as a group.
I'll send an email to everyone since there's still a large number not responding, and those of you who are in touch, pass the word to everyone: We will be meeting on Tuesday during class time.
Blog on.
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