The images below are from my recent visit to Mellwood to drop off our insurance certificate and to see the studio space where we'll be working. There were a few art cars there and I've included a couple of them here. The studio faces Mellwood Ave with a parking lot directly across the street. There's a combination to open the door (it's mechanized), which I'll share with you when we meet next week. The studio is currently occupied by pipes and other art cars, but Scott said it would be cleared out by early next week. I'd like to get an available group to go over on Tuesday.
...and other thoughts: Scott has been following our blog and also expressed some reservations about the 'green' theme because he thought that some of our earlier ideas had perhaps a more personal connection to us as a group, such as the idea of recycling some of our studio materials like the mannequin parts in the drawing studio that are rarely used anymore, or expired parking permits, clay objects, paintings, drawings. Taking a closer look at the ideas that will allow a stronger feeling of ownership and personal connection. The idea of 'green' is still there but more from a recycling point of view. I'm hopeful that your discussions during the next five days will be productive. I don't know if or when I'll be able to check in from Fargo, but I'll try to find some internet access somewhere. In the meantime, if someone could add a synopsis of your Thursday discussion so those of us who can't be there can remain informed and comment accordingly, that would be great. See you next week.